

Agriculture takes on many forms, from the home gardener to commercial greenhouses, though they all have a common thread; they sustain the world. An ever-growing population means demand for food has never been higher. Testing, monitoring and adjusting growth parameters helps to maximize efficiency, quality, and yield.

  • Greenhouse
  • Farming



Commercial greenhouses have a multitude of parameters to monitor: from light exposure, to intake water, to soil, fertilizer, and effluent waters, and then the finished product. With so many things to juggle, the last thing that is needed is for crop issues to pop up. Spot testing along with automatic regulation and adjustments can help to guarantee the perfect yield.

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The Ultimate Guide to Testing Soil pH Blog

This all-encompassing guide will help anyone who is just starting out with soil pH testing. (And experienced growers will be able to learn something, too!)

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Without a doubt, cultivation of the land to provide sustenance is a hefty job. Whether you work a family farm or a corporate one, you need to test your soil and products in order to boost growth and yield. Testing can be durable, portable, and easy so that you can have the best harvest possible.

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The Benefits of Fertigation and Irrigation Control Blog

There have been many advances in irrigation since its beginning & new technologies make it easier than ever to control water flow, fertilizer, nutrients & more. Learn how automating your system can optimize your growing operation.

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