
Kiseli reagens za određivanje slobodnog i ukupnog sumpor-dioksida - HI84500-60

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HI84500-60 je bočica s kiselinskim reagensom od 230 ml potrebna za određivanje sumpornog dioksida u vinu niskog i visokog raspona pomoću mini titratora HI84500 za analizu vina. Kiseli reagens koristi se za snižavanje pH uzorka prije izvođenja titracije. S potrebnim 5 ml reagensa po ispitivanju, ima dovoljno kiselog reagensa za približno 46 ispitivanja.
  • Prethodno izmjerena otopina
  • Jasno označeni brojem serije i datumom isteka
  • Zrakonepropusna boca s nepropusnom zaštitom


The HI84500-60 acid reagent is necessary to lower the pH of the wine sample before a titration can be performed for either free or total sulfur dioxide. The adjustment of the wine sample with 5 mL of the acidic reagent ensures the sample is at the correct pH. The addition of HI84500-62 stabilizing powder is also added prior to performing the titration. The HI3148B ORP electrode is used to detect the endpoint for both the low (1.0 to 40.0 ppm of SO2) and high (30 to 400 ppm of SO2) ranges. The HI84500 can be used with all wines, including red, which are difficult to test using traditional methods due to the difficulty to observe a distinctive color change when the endpoint is reached. The HI84500 determines the free and total sulfur dioxide concentration in wine using the Ripper method. Excess iodide is added to the wine sample and reacts with the iodate titrant to produce iodine: IO3-  5I-  6H  → 3I2  3H2O The iodine produced reacts with sulfur dioxide in the wine according to the redox reaction below: H2SO3  I2 → H2SO4  2HI


RH Package bottles Size 230 mL Quantity 1

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